Thursday, October 27, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Warschauer, Mark. "Reconceptializing the Digital Divide." First Monday 7.7-1 (2002). First Monday. July 2002. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.
This article describes two specific situations in which social justice projects were done in various cities. It proves my point that access to technology is not enough. In 1997, a contest was held in Ireland in which the winning cities received a great deal of money to use for technological advances. The town that was given the most money splurged on a lot of expensive equipment and spent very little on training for the people. They computerized many systems, but even through every person was given a computer they were not able to use them because they were not educated. Most of the programs fell through and the town had very little to show for their money. The other towns, that were given less money carefully spent it on training and sustaining the system rather than equipment. This program showed much greater success. This article also discuss a program in India were children were given access to a community set of computers, but not shown how to use them. It shows that the children could not use the computers the right way only used them to play games, not for school work. They were forced to learn to use them on their own and only made small discoveries.  

Jenkins, Henry, Ravi Purushotma, Katherine Clinton, Margaret Weigel, and Alice Robison. "Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture:Media Education for the 21st Century." New Media Literacies. MacAurthur Foundation. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.
This article discusses digital literacy and education. It shows the need for new skills in technology and the use the of internet. The articles really shows the importance of a participatory culture and the benefits it can bring. If people do not have the skills to do get involved they will miss out of the chance to collaborate with many other people. Most of the people mentioned in this article have access to the technology necessary, but do not know how to use it. This demonstrates the importance of education so that people can use all the resources the internet offers. It also talks about the importance of the internet as a creative outlet for people to share ideas and projects they have developed. The internet is not just about learning and school work; it can provide many social and entertainment environments that provide fun while still developing  skills. Some examples are social media sites, art and video cites, and fan fiction and blog sites. These can improve communication, creativity, and literary skills. There is a large section about why computer skills should be taught in schools including preparation to live and work in a global community. There are many benefits to the use the technology and this presents reasons to teach young people.

Edutopia Staff. "Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many."Edutopia. The George Lucas Educational Foundation, 17 Mar. 2008. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
This article stresses the need to use technology in class rooms. Technology skills will help students thrive in the current society, college, and the job market. These skills do not have to be taught in just a certain class because there is a much bigger concept than just software and usage skills. Computers can be used to teach problem solving and enhance learning in all areas. Technology can provide opportunities that students would not have otherwise. Making lessons more interactive and exciting for students is a benefit computers can bring to classes in every subject. This demonstrates that a specific class in technology is not necessary to prepare students for their futures, and gives schools all the more reason to incorporate technology. At the same time, students are learning technological skills that will help them in college and life.

"Benefits." Senior Surf. Senior Surf - Computer Education for Lifelong Learners, 2004-2008. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. <>.
This article describes the demand and benefits for elderly people to use computers. Senior citizens are the largest growing group of new internet users, but there is still a huge generational gap in usage. This articles shows the numerous benefits for the elderly on the computer such as healthcare, aid in loneliness, increased independence, improvement in cognitive ability, and even depression. However, they must have access and be properly educated to have these benefits.  It stresses the importance of education and I will tie in my knowledge of ways to make technology easier for senior citizens to use. I will relate this article to my grandmother's use of the internet and the new things she has been able to do since getting a computer. 

Swearingen, Joy. "Bridging the Rural Digital Divide; Library Gets Funding to Offer Classes, Buy More Equipment 26." Journal-Pilot Online. 26 Oct. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
This is a local newspaper from a rural county in Illinois. It shows that the digital divide is very much present in the United States. It will correspond with the other article about the digital divide in other countries. The Carthage public library received a grant to improve their technology. They plan to use it to buy new equipment but also stress the importance of education. They plan to offer many classes and training opportunities.  These include basic computer skills, information about resume making and government job posting sites, and educational sites. It will free, public access and education. This articles shows how current this problem is and that the issue hit close to home.

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